本州へ・・ / To the Main Island…


October. Bulbuls cross Tsugaru Strait in large flocks from Cape Shirakami, the southernmost point of Hokkaido. They swept down to the sea and flew just above the surface of sea… Pretty dynamic!

引き返すこともあります / Turn back


When giving up “Crossing”, they came back just above the ground. You can be suddenly surrounded by full of Bulbuls.

ショータイム! / Show Time!

2021年10月31日。 朝7時過ぎ、東寄りの風1m、天気は曇りで海は穏やか。ヒヨドリは渦を巻きながら数を増やし、やがて津軽海峡を渡っていきました。少し長めの6分余りの動画です

Oct. 31th, 2021.  Just after 7:00 a.m., easterly wind at 1 m. The weather was cloudy and the sea was calm. Bulbuls swirled and swarmed, and eventually crossed the Tsugaru Straits. The video is a bit long, just over 6 minutes.

スタート〜45秒:陸地から海上に出るまで    45秒〜6分10秒(ラスト) :海上での動き


*This video was broadcasted in NHK’s local TV program on Nov. 11th, 2021

ハヤブサ / Peregrine Falcon


Some bulbuls fell prey to falcons..