メジロ /White-eye
桜とともに・・ / Along with cherry blossoms
White-eyes appear as if they were waiting for the cherry blossoms to bloom. I’m not sure where they go after the cherry blossoms have fallen. The origin of the name is exactly the same in both English and Japanese.
アオジ /Bunting
春の北大の鳥の代表格/ Representative of Hokudai’s spring birds
Males sing cheerfully and show off his proud throat on tree branches, looking for their partners.
カワラヒワ /Greenfinch
春のよく通る鳴き声 / Spring’s well-traveled chirp
Looks plain At first glance, but the yellow wings stands out. You can hear them singing here and there in early spring.
キビタキ /Flycatcher
原生林から美しい鳴き声 / Beautiful chirp from a protected forest
Look for the bird following the birdsong, but difficult to find. Because the old-growth forests of Hokudai are off-limits.
センダイムシクイ /Eastern Crowned Warbler
なぜ札幌に仙台ムシクイか?/Origin of the name?
The name comes from the sound of birds singing.
ヤブサメ /Stabtail
虫のような鳴き声 / Buzzing like a bug
Spring 2021, first sighting at Hokudai. The tail feathers are extremely short and pretty.
アカハラ /Brown-headed Thrush
アカハラ? / Origin of the name?
The Japanese name of the bird has another meaning.
ヒバリ /Skylark
北大農場にやってきます / Come to the Hokudai farm
After having long winter in Sapporo, we are looking forward to the first song of Skylark, aren’t we? Some larks come to the Hokudai farm.
ムクドリ /White-checked Starling
粗野な鳥 / Rough bird
Come in flocks in the spring, eat all the bugs in the meadow, and leave.