ちょっと歩くだけで汗が噴き出す暑さ! 人里近くの意外性のあるバードウォッチングはなかなかおもしろい!
Just a short walk made the sweat pour! Unpredictable bird-watching near human habitation was pretty interesting!
リュウキュウアカショウビン / Ryukyu Ruddy Kingfisher
The large red beak, purplish plumage and beautiful chirp.. Wanted to see on this trip.
エリグロアジサシ / Black-naped Tern
カンムリワシ / Crested Serpent Eagle
They were looking at me from the shade of trees as if to saying, ” Can’t believe you’re going out in that heat!”
ムラサキサギ / Purple Heron
A bird with unique markings having a presence
シロハラクイナ / White-breasted Waterhen
They often made me step on the brake, as they suddenly crossed the roads.
ズグロミソゴイ / Mslayan Night Heron
Surprised to see such a bird walking in a park
クジャク / Peacock
I heard the birds have gone wild after people brought them to the island.
イシガキヒヨドリ / Ishigaki Brown eared Bulbul
シロガシラ / Light-vented Bulbul
ズアカアオバト / Whistling Green Pigeon
白いサギ / Variety of White Egrets
いろいろなシギ / Variety of Sandpipers
Are they survive summer heat in Ishigaki Island?
石垣島について / Ishigaki Island
About 1,900 km southwest of Tokyo, a direct flight from Haneda Airport to Painushima Ishigaki Airport takes about 3 hours. The southern part of the island has urban areas and fields, while the northern part is mountainous and offers beautiful views from capes and observatories.