
The Ishikari River lower basin is in its harvest season. Beautiful countryside, refreshing air and migratory birds…Finish with  ice-cream at Lloyd’s Town!

シギの仲間 / Limicolae


Resting their wings on their long journey. It’s amazing they fly to the southern hemisphere.

トウネンの群れ / Flock of Red-necked Stint

サギの仲間 /Heron


A great egret stares at the surface of the water, a little egret moves around and startles the fish.  Each has its own way of catching fish. The competition for fish is fierce.

猛禽類 / Predetor

池周辺の鳥 / Birds around the pond

石狩調整池 / Ishikari Adjustment Pond

外周 1577m、壁高 4.2mの長方形の池。周囲を壁で囲まれた池の水面は鏡のように見えることも多い。野鳥は壁の外から覗き込むように観察する

A rectangular pond with a circumference of 1577m and a wall height of 4.2m. The surface of the water often looks like a mirror, as it is surrounded by walls. Birds are observed from outside the wall.